I’ve had the privilege of calling Texas my home my entire life and I hold sacred all the privileges being a Texan provides.  The inherent values and traditions that come with being a Texan are deeply ingrained in my identity. Three years ago, my family and I made the deliberate choice to relocate from the northern Dallas area to Fredericksburg, a decision that has filled me with pride as I now proudly call this charming town my home. While I may not be a fourth or fifth-generation resident, my assimilation into the community has fostered a profound appreciation for the values and traditions that form the bedrock of this tight-knit town.

Coming from the northern Dallas area, I have first-hand experience with the challenges posed by a "big city agenda," and this awareness propels my dedication to preserving Fredericksburg's unique values. Embracing Fredericksburg's traditions, I bring the perspectives of navigating a larger urban setting. This dual viewpoint enables me to appreciate the town's uniqueness while recognizing the need to shield it from unwarranted urbanization. I firmly believe that true citizenship involves active participation in preserving and enhancing the town for future generations. Recognizing the potential challenges posed by a "big city agenda," I strive to be a proactive force in preserving Fredericksburg's distinct character through transparent, community-driven decision-making. My involvement extends beyond self-preservation, driven by a genuine passion to uphold traditions, foster community spirit, and champion cherished values. Whether supporting local initiatives, participating in community events, or engaging with fellow residents, I am dedicated to fostering unity and bridging generational gaps. Together, we can navigate challenges while respecting the history and embracing the positive aspects of growth and change.

As proud citizens of Fredericksburg, my wife, Jeanette, and I wholeheartedly embrace the values of "God, Family, and Country." Our family, which includes three wonderful children, one in college and two attending Fredericksburg High School, have effortlessly integrated ourselves into the vibrant fabric of this community. With a commitment to community involvement, we actively participate in local events, attending services at Bridge Church to strengthen our spiritual connections within Fredericksburg.

Our civic engagement extends to our children, who, having grown up in the city, swiftly joined 4H and became annual participants in the Gillespie County Youth Livestock Show, raising lambs. They are actively involved in school sports, hold part-time jobs, and volunteer, contributing to the local community in various capacities. Embracing our responsibilities as proud citizens, my wife and I regularly attend city council meetings, commissioner court sessions, and school board meetings. Additionally, we proudly served as members of the FISD SHAC (school health advisory committee), contributing to the well-being of our local educational system. 

I currently hold the position of Secretary of the Gillespie County Republican Party and am an active member of the Fredericksburg Tea Party as well as a member of the Fredericksburg Republican Club. Taking my commitment a step further, I have reviewed both city and county budgets to gain insights into fund allocation, identifying key needs and obstacles within our community. 

As our roots deepen in Fredericksburg, we actively collaborate with various groups to protect and preserve the unique atmosphere that defines our community. From protecting its unique atmosphere to raising awareness about impending changes, our involvement is a testament to our commitment to the well-being and preservation of this remarkable community.  Our involvement stands as a testament to our unwavering dedication to the prosperity and identity of Fredericksburg, and we take pride in contributing to its vibrant tapestry.

I am thrilled to share a snapshot of my professional journey, which has been deeply rooted in financial operations, budgetary compliance, and operational excellence.  I have worked in small startups and spent significant time working in multi-billion dollar public and private companies. Progressing through various managerial roles, I now serve as a Chief Financial Officer (CFO), collaborating with venture capitalists, stakeholders, and shareholders to ensure the vitality and expansion of corporations. My expertise lies in developing fiscally responsible departments, identifying inefficiencies, promoting cross-departmental strategies, facilitating effective communication, implementing strategic changes, and aligning resources to embrace ever-changing technological opportunities. I am proud of my contributions to organizational success and remain eager for future opportunities to drive impactful advancements in financial leadership.

We find ourselves at a crucial juncture, requiring steadfast leadership rooted in proven conservative principles. My decision to enter the political arena is fueled by a genuine dedication to preserving the unique identity of Texas and Fredericksburg. My life is deeply intertwined with the values and traditions that make this place  truly special. These values are not just political talking points for me; they are integral to my life and shape my unwavering commitment to ensuring our community thrives while staying true to its roots. I am unafraid to stand alone on issues when principle and conviction demand it; prioritizing the well-being and traditions that make our town truly exceptional. Together, let's champion these values and forge a path forward that upholds the essence of Texas and Fredericksburg for generations to come.